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1.0m x 0.5m x 42mm

Made in Australia from 100% recycled  past consumer plastics

Non toxic to humans, animals and plants

Can be easily cut with power tools to suit your ground requirements, including positioning around posts, or trees

$15 each 


2 pavers = 1m2

Weight—approx. 2.5kg



Awesome erosion control system that is easy to install and is long lasting.

 Perfect solution for wet/boggy areas including yards, stables, gateways etc


Basic install below:-

  •  Level ground

  •  10mm crusher dust and compact

  • Lay Geohex

  • Fill with 10mm crusher dust (1m3 of crusher dust Is required for 20m2 of Geohex)

  • · Compact

Refer to Geohex website for detailed information

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